Bangkok Post – Die Kandidaten der regierenden Puea Thai Partei gewannen gestern die Wahlen für die Provinzverwaltung in Udon Thani. Wichian Khaokham, ein ehemaliger Abgeordneter der Puea Thai Partei, wurde zum Vorsitzenden der Provinzverwaltung (PAO) in Udon Thani gewählt. Nach Auszählung von 95% der Stimmzettel hatte er 355.536 Stimmen gewonnen, während sein Gegner, Harnchai Theetthananon, der ehemalige Vorsitzende der PAO in Udon Thani, nur 170.264 Stimmen gewinnen konnte.
Nach bekanntwerden der ersten Ergebnisse bedanke sich Wichian bei seinen Unterstützern und zeigte seine Begeisterung über das Ergbenis.

Die Kandidaten unter der Führung von Wichian gewannen in Udon Thani 37 von 42 Wahlkreisen, in 20 Bezirken.

Die Kandidaten von Harnchai gewannen fünf Wahlkreise.

Von gateot

2 Gedanken zu „Puea Thai gewinnt Wahl“
  1. Puea Thai gewinnt Wahl

    Der „Gewinn“ war eher weniger ueberraschend, entscheidend ist, was hinten raus kommt. 😉

      the initial exetcemint over her nomination as the main opposition candidate for prime minister would soon fizzle out.A smiling Yingluck arrived at Puea Thai headquarters Sunday afternoon, clad in bright purple, to be mobbed by jubilant supporters and the media, but cautioned she wanted to wait for the official results before claiming victory. Thank you to the people who came out to vote, she told supporters.With her groomed appearance, relaxed demeanour and carefully choreographed stage routines, Yingluck 18 years junior to her controversial big brother proved a hit on the campaign trail. There’s no question she’s getting a bounce from exetcemint over the idea of Thailand having a woman prime minister, the novelty of a fairly young, attractive candidate, and because the Democrats are running such a lacklustre campaign, said Thailand expert Michael Montesano.And on top of that is her name a big plus in the eyes of Thaksin’s fans but a turnoff for supporters of the establishment. She could have been a potted plant and that would have been true, said Montesano, of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore.Yingluck told AFP while campaigning that she and her brother were similar in their approach. We are alike in the sense that I have learned from him in business and I understand his vision, how he solves problems and the way he built everything from the beginning, she said.Thaksin remains a hugely divisive figure in Thailand. He was ousted in a 2006 military coup and fled the country in 2008 before a court sentenced him in his absence to two years in prison for corruption.He is still adored by many rural and working class voters for his populist policies while in power, but is reviled by the ruling elite who see him as corrupt and a threat to the revered monarchy.Yingluck herself, however, is seen as a fresh face largely untainted by scandal. Accusations by her political foes that she lied in court to protect her brother appear to have had little impact on her popularity.In contrast to British-born premier Abhisit who is criticised for lacking the common touch, she has refrained from negative campaigning, instead focusing on her policies and stressing the need for reconciliation after years of unrest. She’s able to look natural in front of big crowds in a way that the prime minister just cannot, no matter what he does, said Montesano.Yingluck was born on June 21, 1967, into one of the most prominent ethnic Chinese families in northern Chiang Mai province, the youngest of nine siblings.Until recently president of Thai real estate firm SC Asset Corp, she graduated in political science from Chiang Mai University and earned a masters degree in public administration at Kentucky State University in the United States.She returned to Thailand to work for one of Thaksin’s companies as a trainee in the early 1990s, going on to take various positions within her brother’s business empire.She is a former president of the mobile telephone unit of Shin Corp., the telecoms giant founded by Thaksin that was at the centre of a scandal over the tax-free sale of the family’s shares in the group in 2006.While her business credentials are well known, observers say she has given few concrete clues about what kind of leader she would be. She is at the moment sticking by what Thaksin has asked her to do in a very detailed way, said a Bangkok-based Western diplomat. I don’t think we have yet seen what she is capable of.

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