CNA – …….UPDATE…….Ein Gericht in Thailand verurteilte am Dienstag eine der umstrittensten politischen Persönlichkeiten des Königreichs, Medienmogul Sondhi Limthongkul, für Betrug zu 20 Jahren Gefängnis. Sondhi ist der Gründer der königstreuen Protestbewegung der   „Gelbhemden“   ( PAD ),  die eine wichtige Rolle während den thailändischen politischen Konflikte gespielt haben und dazu beitrugen, den flüchtigen ehemaligen Ministerpräsidenten Thaksin Shinawatra im Jahr 2006 durch einen Militärputsch zu stürzen.

Der Strafgerichtshof in Bangkok verurteilte Sondhi der Verletzung des Securities and Exchange Acts, ein einem Fall aus den 90er Jahren, und gab ihm die Höchststrafe, sagte ein Beamter.

Er wurde von Thailands Securities and Exchange Commission der Fälschung von Dokumenten die zur Sicherheit für ein Darlehen in Höhe von fast 1,1 Milliarden Baht für sein ASTV / Manager Imperium dienten,  beschuldigt.

Massenproteste der Gelbhemden, formal als die People’s Alliance for Democracy  ( PAD )  bekannt, lösten den Staatsstreich von royalistischen Generälen im Jahr 2006 aus, welcher Thaksin stürzte.


Nach Meldungen in Twitter wurde Sondhi gegen eine Kaution von 10 Millionen Baht ohne Auflagen auf freien Fuß gesetzt.

Von gateot

2 Gedanken zu „20 Jahre Haft für Sondhi Limthongkul“
  1. Nur 20 Jahre? Na ja, er hatte vorher ja schon so einiges aufgebrummt bekommen.
    Glücklicherweise gibts ja in Thailand die von Takkis Roten Volksbefreiungsvorbetern
    so mit Recht geforderten „Double Standards“.
    Wenn die nicht wären, hätte das derzeitige Kabinett und die dahinter wirkenden
    Strippenzieher schon gut 10.000 Jahre zusammen.
    Vom Marionettentheaterdirektor in Dubai ganz zu schweigen.

      for price of $1.3mln each) who defected from foermr ruling party. so, this is the unelected so called Democrat government, which repeatedly lost in general elections helped to power by fascist Yellow mob. naturally this Democrat government, despite all the promises, TILL NOW has not persecuted ANY SINGLE PERSON of those PAD mobsters who illegally occupied Government House and 2 international airports, apart from many other minor crimes (like beating people to death and shooting them).now I trust you get the picture ? unlike some here, I’m not making this up you can check everything I said on internet, like those blogs I’ve mentioned, or at least, the red-shirts are mostly peasants who were inspired by populist policies of foermr PM Thaksin. yes, whatever evil he was at very least what he gave them and thus endeared himself to them was giving them SOME taste of humans, people who can also voice their concerns, and can vote to elect the government which at least may be PRETENDS (as some say) showing them care the Democrat party doesn’t do even that much.and naturally, when the results of their choice (democratic elections) was so unceremoniously and repeatedly nullified they have created their own movement. being much less educated / sophisticated, they decided to try to copy Yellow shirts movement and try to out-best them in everything, which is of course pretty hard, almost impossible to do (since being a grass-root movement they do not have such a huge support from elite, army, rich, muddle class , etc)therefore, even though personally I think it is their mistake (or a trap) to try copy their rivals I understand that they simply know no better. in fact, they know NOTHING of being a political movement because it is the first time in the country’s history peasants are ALLOWED to participate in some political movements, previously they were always just too oppressed. and the whole point about reds Vs yellows (I would also add khaki here as well) is about real majority of population (peasants, poor, lower middle class) trying to win their right to be equal to the ruling minority, not some sort of second class dumb citizens;; and about that other part, with PAD as their front, trying to preserve the status quo, which is practically a feudal serfdom system (in Thai called Sakdina , where peasants are called phrai / serfs and their betters are Nai‘ or masters). and for that purpose PAD has invented so called New Politics where among other things main idea is that only 30% of Parliament can be elected, and other 70% appointed because PAD decide that buffaloes /peasants are to dumb to know what means democratic rights and thus their voting rights must be limited.well, forgive me for such a long comment.but the whole subject is just too big. I hope this helped. you can read more on all those blogs ! Cheers P.S. you’ll see what would be instant reaction of PADshists ( yellow ) to this my comment if they could, they’d probably rip my heart out for telling all this thus proving their blunt fascist attitudes.but I’ve learned already sometime ago to ignore them, as saying goes : dogs bark and caravan goes on , or as nowadays it is said in internet Forums don’t feed the troll

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